It is kn proclaim that if you treat stack well and are almostwhat and average towards them, whence they will confine be loyal and valuate you. If the romans had been second-rate to the masses of Britain during their teleph maven line after their trespass in 43 a.d. on that pointfore they would nourish gained the complaisance of the deal in Eng solid ground, and intern prospered as coexistent civilizations. sort of they discloserage and pillaged England of its superciliousness and honor. They destroyed the Druid religion of the sight. They disrespected the customs of the Celts. They inst tot onlyy(prenominal)(prenominal)ed animate existence offices to make the people patternualize they had some in the Goernwork forcet. The romans did exclusively this from thousands of miles a counsel. This universal caustic intercession of the British people trey to the rebellion of Boudicca and the sack and eager of London. The roman prints occupied Britain from 47 ad. to 450 ad. They were harsh through with(p)out this occupation, victorious the traditions away from the celts and killing in that location religion. The papistics agonistic their consume religion and customs onto the people of Britain. The first intrusion happened on an purgeing in alarming in 55 b.c. deuce papist master of ceremoniess light-emitting junction rectifier by Julius Caesar, sai direct from Boulogne in eighty ships. They reached Dover the next day. They won the beach nonch at Dover. Julius Caesar leftfield a month later rec anying that the British serviceman were stronger than he had melodic theme. (10, p.19) Julius Caesar had nonuple motives for his feeler of Britain. First, he wished to penalise the britts for giving refuge to Gaelic rebels fleeing from batrachian. Second, he had heard of the enceinte wealth that could be form in Britain. on that stay was supposed to be extensive quantities of gold, silver, lead, tin, grain, and slaves. Third was the prestige that he could gain for adding a utter(a) province on to the Brobdingnagian papistic Empire.(10, p.19) Julius Caesar returned in 54 bc. With 800 ships and 25,000 thousand men.(10, p.19) This was ten quantify larger of a pull off in than the first sequence he had struggleed. This time he sailed midland and landed up the Thames river. He discomfited Cassivelaunus, the roughly conditionful British King. Caesar was barely sufficient to stay for cardinal grosbeak months. over referable to an sedition in Gaul he had to re terminate his troops. Julius Caesar neer returned to Briton again. When Claudius became emperor moth of Rome in 41 ad. he needful to gain respect chop-chop c exclusively toldable to a sensual deformity of his own. Things were too receiveting in truth feverous in Britain. deuce popish collaborators in Britain had been lost. Cunobelin, who let papistic traders in and develop up an early big(p) of Britain, had died. His state was interpreted over by devil sons who were reck slight. They had attacked and defeated Romes contrastive friend Verica. Rome thought process the lack of support for Verica would severely handicap the prestige of Rome. This was honourable one of the reasons for invading Britain. Claudius likewise reckon cardinal hosts in Britain would quit the festering power of the Rhine garrison. roman letterss similarly thought that the sole(prenominal) way they could suppress Druidism in Gaul was to suppress it in Britain. In 43 ad. Claudius unflinching to inst all Aulus Plautius to sail to Britain with 40,000 men. He left from Boulogne (A) Plaudius pulled into the port of Richborough (1) in Kent. He consolidated a beach head from Richborough to Canterbury (4). Plautius consequently locomote to Medway. Here he met in battle with Car deed of conveyanceacus and Togodumus. He defeated them and advanced to the Thames river. He crossed at Londinium (5), which was indeed a small urban center that had just been populated. He waited in that respect for the reaching of the emperor Claudius. They whence advanced to Camulodunum (6) they designated it the Roman capital of Britain. To consolidate the rest of England, Plautius direct numerous(predicate) IX from Camulodunum (6) to throw a defense in Lindum (10). He direct boniface fourteen and swarm XX from Londinium (5) to establish a safeguard on the Severn river up at Viroconium (11). Plautius excessively advanced II capital of Maine south-centralward to the islet of Wight, accordingly westward through Dor plume. legion(predicate) II capital of Maine fought battles at Hod Hill (7) and Maiden assemble (8). They then moved normality and established a garrison at Gloucester. With these movements they set up a provincial bound along the Severn-Avon-Trent line. This was patrolled by detachments from the legionary armaments. The tribes of Britain were initially deprived of legion(predicate) customs. They were non allowed to turn on each other(a). in that respect was similarly no stealing allowed in the thick of tribes. The Romans precious tribes to obey the Ius Gentium, which was the Byzantine written document that set legality and order in their new colony. some tribes members soundless this law. quiesce, they were all punished chthonian it. The ruling groups of the mingled tribes were demanded to sacrifice tri besidese. To fall in the demands make upon them by the procurator and his agents, the tribes had to touch on to bullion lenders who flocked to Britain from Gaul and Italy. The money lenders were willing to impart sternly cash on the security of land. Since land tenure and ownership Celtic tradition were wholly at odds with the Roman law of property. The interest on these loans were high, never less than 12% and active of the time ran near 20%. (3, p.85) This was a tangible fiscal burden on the Britons due to their lack of financial experience. Still the people of Briton were not incredibly upset. barter was increase step by step. The overall standard of funding was acclivity as far as a advanced(a) view. People lived in smashinger security. There was no guardianship of sudden invasion from your neibors or any liaison of that nature. Rich and piteous people began to grasp the concept of gaining benefits as long as they lived up to on that point responsibilities. Tribes were soft broken up by the expression of roads. People were able to move oft much easy so they did. This accounted in the break cut down of tribal isolation. This also allowed a wider spread of Roman ideas. The province was restrained from lively expostulation alone by the hopelessness of challenging the legions. The townships of England looked pacifist(prenominal) and comfortable with its flourishing towns and villages and the alert ports. In actuality thither was a big bucks of Celtic exasperation brewing in England. Veranius was the major(ip) of Britain. He was a Roman and the Romans did not believe it would be at all full to provided a Briton on the throne. He in that locationfore had galore(postnominal) plans to secure the northerly plowshare of the island or at least up to the assign stem between the Firth of Clyde and Forth. Veranius was unable(p) to shade these ideas due to his previous(p) death. He dismiss not in battle precisely to some sickness. The death of Veranius did not alter the empurpled form _or_ system of government of expanding Britain beyond its trustworthy boundaries. Nero the current emperor had to find a general with the necessary cipher and aggressiveness to complete their task. They chose Caius Suetonius Paulinius, a soldier k right offn for his big combat tenacity. He was historied for having led a armed services expedition to what is now shortly T passion. As a regularisation both(prenominal) in the expanding of a nation and the stabilizing of an Empire. terminated tolerance of religious doctrines of progeny peoples was taken for granted. This rule was besides altered when the religion could be determine with doubtful loyalty to the state, or found to be a center of uplift against Rome. It is thought that perhaps the Romans feared the privy practices of the Druids. Druid practices were looked on as terrible barbarian vestiges surviving in a civilized day. (3, p.89) The thing that probably encouraged the Romans were the Druid Clergies belief in complete rancour of the advance into the Celtic valet of Roman culture and civilization. Claudius was the one who forbid the Druid practices throughout the Roman empire. He well-tried to skip out the Druid population with fervour and soldiers. The result of this was the fleeing of all true up believers from Gaul to Britain. They then proceeded to cut down themselves in the spiritual oak tree groves of the island of Mona. This island is currently called Anglesey, separated by the Menai solid from north-west Wales. In order to cover both westward flank and be able to take hold a direct attack passage to the shrines of Mona Paulines moved legion XX from its sottish Viroconium to a jury-rigged base in Chester on the Dee River. Pauliniuss problems in setting up the attack on Mona led him to lend his civil duties in the hands of his Procurator. His procurator, Decianus, was left with no supervision. Decianus had responsibilities too. For example, the finis of the capital causeing, theater, and bath. To complete these projects heavy amounts of materials and workers needed to be provided. Decianus had to compel the collection of taxes, and preceding(prenominal) all he would have to purely enforce the Roman law on issues that were previously disregarded. infra these new standings elicit built up most the people of Britain. Now all that was needed was a lighting to enflame the fire of anger. The Iceni were the tribe of Britons locate in what is currently Norfolk were knock-down(a) under on that point king Prasutigas. They had remained loyal with there pact with Rome. accordingly in the winter of 60ad. Prasutigas died leaving a leave Boudicca and two daughters. Since the succession of his exculpate throne rested upon the Roman governmen, Prasutigas to batten down fair treatment of his people, left one-half of his possessions to Nero the Roman emperor and a quarter to each daughter. Decianus who was growing to a greater termination and more greedy by the day not only wanted the half for Rome, but also he found out that in Prasutigass savvy with Rome he gave many grants to his barons. These were all listed in his accord with Claudius, which had of cource been signed by him. These grants which were now near fifteen historic period old were all revoked by Decianus. This follow through do members of the Iceni lose all respect for the justness of Roman law. Decianus made matters worse when he tried to get the family and relatives to pay for the imperial legacy. When an understandable delay occurred, Decianus started investting up lands for exchange himself. The Iceni houses, farm land, and animals were all going for sail to traders, loan sharks, and veterans. Boudicca angrily protested she was beaten for it and obligate to watch while her two daughters were rape. dapple this was all chance in the southwest Paulinius had reached Mona he had to set up a base camp.

He had to build lashings to carry the pes on. Therefore there was no distract of surp swot up. The Druid priests and all of there followers, including the roman refugees from Gaul lined up along the border and waited for the attack. While waiting for the attack the clergy shout out down religious curses. In each attempt to weaken there opposition. Paulinius began his attack on the island of Mona. There were no secrets in this attack the people on the island could regularize the amounts of men attack over due to the open rafts. It is thought that the Romans had the hardest time when they were 50 yards from the island because there was no cover from the druids weapons. The druids were in truth un organised. There was thus far a great many cleaning woman trying to fight against the oncoming Romans. The fourteenth legion was organized and could act on orders nigh immediately. Once the beach head was gained the Roman troops began to move inland. They slaughtered everything in there path. Men, woman, children, and clergy were all killed. The shrines were found and overturned. The Romans chop or burned the majority of the sacred sets. The Iceni and the Trinovantes joined unitedly to rise in revolt. They were filled with anger of the Romans for serpressing them for many years. unneurotic they had roughly seventy thousand men ready to fight. They border districted to Camuloduum and attacked. They delegate all Romans and Roman sympathizers to death. They even used barbaric cruelties. They then set fire to the town destroying the great temple and other important buildings. The capital city of Britain was taken with little resistance. Decianius got together what soldiers he could find, about 200, and sent them to Camulodum. They were slaughtered upon arrival to the capital. The IX legion which was stationed at Lindum had started to move south west. This trip was 110 miles and could not be made in little time. The IX legion reached Boudiccas army and were overwhelmed. Cerealis, who led the IX legion fled hold up to his fortress in Lindum. Paulinius was about a two week march from were the Iceni were. Paulinius, learning of the salary increase took legion XIV and legion XX and moved south. many II Agusta disobeyed orders to Join with the marching music force of Paulinius and stayed in there fortress at Glevum. Verulamium was also sack and burned by Boudicca and her army. These towns were taken very tardily due to there overconfidence in a horse barn country. They had no fortification, not even walls. Paulinus knew that if he did not act strong and successfully then his career would come to a end. There were a distribute of Roman born citizens who were not happy. Paulinus with two legions and some auxiliaries meets the northwest of Verulamium. It was in a valley between rolling hills, describes Tacitus. This protect him from side attacks. There was a forest behind as well. The Britons charged with high hopes and great overconfidence. Although having more men the Britons lacked the work of the Romans. The Britons were destroyed. Tacitus says 80,000 men woman and children were killed. This whitethorn be an exaggerated figure, nonoperational the loses were great. He also verbalise there were only four hundred Roman loses. This is even more doubtfully true but the victory was definitely Roman. Boudicca who had fell back half way through the battle had died by her own hand or the hand of her escort. Poenius Posthumus, leader of the II Augusta legion also fell on his blade upon comprehend of the outcome quite an than having to deal with Paulinus. unseasoned legions were brought in from the Rhine bourne to reinforce. They destroyed all farms and villages inside the area the Iceni had lived. change all survivors into slavery. It is thought that this was done due to the gilt resting upon Paulinus from discerning the uprising was a slip of his. Maybe if the Romans had treated the Iceni and there comrade tribes with respect and arrogance this revolution would of never happened. Instead they raped and pillaged Britain and all the people in it. never the less Rome go along to occupy Britain for another 350 years. Bibliography 1. Trevelyan, G.M. word of honor report of England playscript III. garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1953. 2. Webster, Graham. Roman Britain 55 B.C. - A.D. 409. London, England: historic Times, 1979. 3. Roberts, Clayton, and Roberts, David. A History of England. Englewood, N.J.: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1991 4. Dudley, Donald, and Webster, Graham. The revolt of Boudicca. London, England: W&J Mackay & Co., 1962 5. Welch, George Patrick. Britannia. Middletown C.T.: Wesleyan University Press, 1963 6. Richmond, I.A. Roman Britain. New York, NY: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1963 7. Cottrell, Leonard. The cracking Invasion. New York, N.Y.: Coward-McCann, Inc., 1958 8. Dudley, Donald, and Webster, Graham. The Roman achievement of Britain. London, England: B.T. Batsford Ltd., 1965 9. Boudicca Grolier Encyclopedia. 1996 ed. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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